Welcome leaves, welcome fall...


Welcome everybody. Welcome to the project that I never dared to start and welcome to the hope that I'll keep with it. Welcome to my blog.
It's the perfect season, isn't it? I feel like fall is the season to cuddle up in bed and write about how you love to crawl underneath the blankets with a book in you hand and a coffee/hot tea in the other one. So let's talk about that.
We all have that picture in our heads, don't we? It's chilly outside and you're wearing an oversized sweater and a pair of knee socks, but somehow you're neither cold nor hot. Still, you go find the prettiest blanket there is, you make the most aesthetic cappuccino, with cinnamon and cocoa sprinkled on top, you light a seasonally appropriate candle, pick a nice book and you've just achieved every bookworm's dream day. Am I wrong?
That would be the ideal #SockSunday. However, I have never experienced this magical evening.

I'm really aiming for it this season, so I'm gonna try my best, but I need your advice, you profesional readers! So leave a comment with your best tips to finally get the day I've been dreaming of my whole life.
Do you have any fall reads you'd like to recommend? I'm all ears.
I'd also appreciate if you left a link to your blogs, I'm looking for new writers to get inspired.
I hope you're here to stay and I'm looking forward to share my bookish experiences with you.

Love from a (tumbling) house of bookmarks.

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